Thursday, 1 November 2012

Halloween and Abstract Reasoning - free promo codes for apps

Don't be afraid, but be fast as there are 10 free promo codes to give away for iPhone and another 10 for iPad, so that you can practice the Situational Judgement tests and share it with your peers ;) 

Give us a like on our social page and you will receive 1 free code of your choice!!!

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Situational Judgement blog is launched !!!

The blog is dedicated to Situational Judgement tests (SJTs) and is especially promoting iPhone and iPad applications that can be used to practice such challenging tests.

Check it out and stay tuned as the first application will be soon available ;)

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Abstract Reasoning tests for iPad

The famous abstract reasoning testing application optimized for iPad is now ready and can be downloaded from the AppStore:

This has only advantages for the iPad owners:
- better visibility for the diagrams;
- better usability;
- user-friendly interface;
- and all the previous advantages are kept (no time limit for the tests and no internet connection required).

all good news!!!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

Abstract reasoning tests Version 2 is now available

for iPhone and iPad

To recap:

This is the simplest way to practice abstract reasoning tests anytime and anywhere directly on your iPhone or iPad, because of its features:
  • NO adds/commercials;
  • NO Internet connection is required;
  • NO expiration limit/date for the tests;
  • 50 abstract reasoning questions structured in 5 tests with medium difficulty.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Abstract Reasoning techniques (patterns)

In an Abstract Reasoning test you can expect the followings:

  • Rotations: (anti) clock-wise at a specific angle (e.g. 45, 90, 180, 270 or 360 degrees);
  • Axial reflections: “mirror” reflection horizontally or vertically;
  • Inversions: “negative” effect, black becomes white and vice-versa;
  • Translations: figurine is shifted in a specific direction (right, left, up, down, diagonally);
  • Visual arithmetic: mathematical relations (e.g. counting the number of black/white figurines, the number of lines, angles, intersections);
  • Transformations: changing size or shape (e.g. increase or decrease in size, changing number of lines);
  • Superposition: overlapping figurines form a new figurine, or one shape neutralizes the other (e.g. black eliminates white);
  • Sequence with instructions: arrows or numbers indicate a particular logic that applies to one or more techniques.
Don't forget that you can practice all these on your Iphone/Ipad ;) Success!!!

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Abstract Reasoning tests on your iPhone

Abstract thinking is a skill difficult to cultivate, and constant practicing is the essential approach in order to familiarize with the patterns, models and with the limited time constraints. 

In this sense, our mobile testing Products for iPhone/iPad can help you to master abstract reasoning!

About Abstract Reasoning

Abstract reasoning is usually assessed as part of intelligence testing. The abstract reasoning test is also called the conceptual or diagrammatic reasoning test because it measures the lateral thinking skills or fluid intelligence, which are abilities to quickly identify patterns, logical rules and trends in new data, integrate this information, and apply it to solve problems.

Inductive reasoning and abstract reasoning are often used interchangeably. Whilst they are slightly different tests, the concept behind both inductive and abstract reasoning is to test the candidate's logical problem solving ability; these are a common form of aptitude assessment, after numerical and verbal reasoning. Inductive reasoning is open and explorative. It examines the applicant's ability to reach general conclusions based on perceived patterns observed in specific events (like real-life arguments or scenarios). The most common form of inductive reasoning test involves discovering the patterns that exist in a series of graphics. The patterns are usually one of, or a combination of, the following: rotation; alternation, translation, reflection and replacement.

Inductive logic is different from deductive logic. With deductive reasoning, possible outcomes are explored and discounted in order to arrive at the only possible outcome without contradicting the given premises (e.g. Sudoku puzzles).

Abstract problems are often visual and typically do not involve social ideas. This is one major reason for their popularity and extensive use for recruitment tests; no language barrier exists as it is purely symbolic.